The Massalsky Family

Orthodox : Dynastic family originating from Grand Duke Saint Michel of Chernigov, W 1246, descending in the male line from Rurik, founder of Russia 867. His great grandson, Georges, married Gunduz Theodora, daughter of Grand Duke Sergei of Lithuania, and received the Principality of Mossalsk 1390, from where the family name originates. The Principality was submitted to Lithuanian authority at the end of the 15th century where the family went, and returned into Russia during the 18th century. Prince Michel Vassilievitch Massalsky, received recognition in Lithuania of the Princely Title 1490, and in Poland 1775. Russian Recognition and Inscribed in the 5th Part of the Russian Nobility Almanach by Decree Apr 7, 1864, in favour of Nicolas Theodorovitch, Lieutnant General of Russia, as well as his wife Sophia Wladimirovna Mezedzeff, and their children Wladimir, Vera and Elizabeth.
Arms: Ecartelé, aux 1 et 4 d’or à une aigle de sable couronné, au vol éployé, langué de gueules, onglée d’or, tenant dans sa griffe senestre une longue croisetée, aux 2 et 3 de gueules à la lettre M d’or surmontée d’une petite croix d’or et accompagné dessous detrois billettes d’or.
The sons and daughters of the family bear the name of Massalsky, with the qualification of Prince or Princess.
PRINCE MICHAËL Leopold Ramwold Nicolaievitch MASSALSKY, b at Berlin July 10, 1938, son of Prince Nicolas Wladimirowitch, (b at St Petersburgh Dec 15, 1896, W killed at Sopron, HU, 1943-1944) [who married 1st at Vyborg, FI, June 30, 1919, divorced at Berlin Sept 29, 1926, Princess Helene Esperovna, (b at St Petersburgh Jan 28, 1901, W at Lourdes, FR, Jan 25, 1998), dau of Prince Espère Constantinovitch Bellosselsky-Belozersky, by Olga Alexandrovna Bazilevsky, and had no issue], and of Hélène Issaievna, (b at St Petersburg June 4, 1900, W at Saltsjobaden, Swe, May 2, 1975), dau of Professor Issaie Lazarevitch Slonim, by Slava Borissovna Seguine, [sister to Vera Slonim, married 1925 at Berlin the writer Vladimir Nabokov]. Prince Michaël married at Stockholm, Swe 30 Dec 1966, divorced at Göteborg, Swe, Feb 25, 1974, Kerstin Birgitta, (b at Lund, Swe, June 22, 1942), dau of Erik Bernhard Ohlsson, by Gurli Elisabeth Jarl, and had issue, Son and Daughter
1. Prince Niclas Michael Erik Mikhailovitch Massalsky, b at Stockholm, Swe, Sept 28, 1966, Prince Niclas married at Zurich, CH, Nov 14, 2003, Carole Anne Marie Panichi (b at Paris, Fra, August 6, 19xx) dau of Didier Raoul Jean Panichi by Monique Francoise Marie de Moulin, and had issue Daughters and Son
Princess Katharina Helena Laure Nicolaiovna Massalsky, b at Zurich, CH, Dec 18, 2003
Princess Victoria Laure Helena Nicolaiovna Massalsky, b at Zurich, CH, Jan 25, 2007
Prince Oscar Nicolai Louis Nicolaievitch Massalsky, b at Zurich, CH, August 20, 2008
2. Princess Helena Birgitta Elisabeth Mikhailovna Massalsky, b at Göteborg, Swe, May 17, 1971
Alice Helena Kristina Massalsky, b at Stockholm, Swe, May 4, 2004
Leopold Carl Erik Massalsky, b at Los Angeles, USA, Dec 5, 2008